Friday, August 14, 2009

Medical Uses of Wolfram Alpha

from Brian Ahier extract:
"They have published an overview and some examples of the types of searches both patients and clinicians will find useful on the Understanding Medical Tests at their blog.
WolframAlpha is a helpful reference for understanding what the tests measure and how to interpret the results. WolframAlpha allows you to query information on a specific medical test or a panel of tests, compare tests and results for patients with specific characteristics, compute your estimated risk for heart disease, and find the diagnosis corresponding to an ICD-9 code. WolframAlpha can take into account specific patient characteristics like gender, age, smoker, non-smoker, pregnant, diabetic, obese, and underweight. WolframAlpha can give you a snapshot of available data that might help you understand how your results compare to others'.
WolframAlpha can provide a number of interesting medical statistics including body measurements, physical exercise, diseases, mortality, medical tests, and medical computations. You can see other examples of Health & Medicine uses here. For example to determine the benefits of running 20 minutes for a 28-year-old 5'11" 185lb male, then type: running 20min, 6min/mi, 28yo male, 5'11", 185lb into the search box."

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