Thursday, July 30, 2009

Ranking Hospital Websites....

The Ranking Web of World Hospitals is introduced as a tool for showing the commitment of health organizations to the electronic publication and dissemination of academic information related to medicine. The Top Hospitals should be prone to share their information not only with other colleagues (physicians, researchers, scholars) but also with the rest of society, patients, community leaders, managers and citizens in general.

The Web indicators measure electronic contents, especially those used for scholarly communication, but also basic information about the hospital, its organization, services and personnel. The rank takes into account both the volume of information published and the impact or visibility of such contents measured by the number of external links the web pages receive from others.

European top 100
... Denmark just makes it at 91.

A non-fanatical beginner's guide to Twitter

A non-fanatical beginner's guide to Twitter

Shared via AddThis

Health 2.0 : the crowd is getting organised

Clay Shirky Keynote - Health 2.0 SF 2008 from Health 2.0 on Vimeo.

The next generation of doctors

The Next Generation of Doctors from Health 2.0 on Vimeo.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Eysenbach: Consumer health informatics

Seminar at University of Twente, the Netherlands (N.B. 101 slides)

The ePatient as a Provider of content

A Presentation from Medicine 2.0 2008

John Snow would have tweeted

Epidemiology via twitter?
Can't find the mash-up referred to unfortunately.

9 killer apps ....


One is missing...

Top 10 Nursing Traits

Top 10 Nursing Traits?

I thoroughly endorse 8 of them (but 6 and 9 should be properly rewarded) but would issue a strong caution about 7 and 8 (which really should be combined into one). There is little or no evidence (as opposed to assertion or assumption) to support the view that all or most nurses are perfect or even excellent intuitive decision makers. For example most studies show that requiring nurses (and of course doctors!) to follow evidence-based protocols/scoring systems/nomograms leads to higher quality care. The trait that is needed in both professions is the meta-cognitive one of the ability to carry out fairly intuitively what I call a 'Value of Analysis Analysis', deciding, in this particular case, whether or not their 'quick' intuitive judgment/decision is likely to be optimal. It may be or it may not be. Their own performance in the past should be an input into their judgement. Fortunately I think that many experienced nurses (and doctors) do possess this ability but it is important to recognise it for what it is and not over-romanticise about 'reflection-in-action'

Apps on iPhone

So far I have installed (to my amazement)

TweetDeck (for Twittering, preferred to Twitterifis and Twitterlator), Facebook
Google Reader (for RSS feeds)
File Aid (for file movement with DiskAid on PC)
Quick Office files, Doc Scanner, File Magnet, Wallet, 1Password
Pub Search Plus, NextBio (for search)
Skyscape, MedCalc, Epocrates, Eponyms
Instapaper, Evernote
Readdle Docs
Decision Calculator
Dictionary, Wikipanion
iThoughts, iFreeMind (for MindMapping)
Love Art, Shakespeare
Google Earth
New York Times. Wall St Journal, Le Monde, BBC Reader
iEmoticons, SodaSnap
iBowl, Labyrinth, Sudoku,iChessLite, Shotgun
Tube deLuxe. London Buses, iRail, Where, TV Guide, BBC iPlayer
Wimbledon, ECB Cricket, Sky Sports Cricket
Booyah, Lifecast
Flashlight, Birthdays

Sunday, July 26, 2009

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