Friday, July 3, 2009

YouTube video to iPhone

Very simple.

Download and install the free converter from a site like

Find the Youtube video you want and copy its url
Open FYT2iPC and paste the url into box (remove old one if still there)
Specify where you want converted videos stored (default is DVDVideoSoft folder wherever you saved the program to)
Click download.
That's all.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Ordinary files from PC to iPhone

If you want to upload files of any sort up to your iPhone (but not into iPod)I have found DiskAid/FileAid via the USB link cable the easiest method so far.
* Download FileAid app (currently free) from iTunes
* Download Diskaid (currently $US9.99) from and install on your pc
* ensure pc and iPhone are linked by usb cable
* Open DiskAid
* Create new Folder (if necessary)
* Select relevant folder in left hand tree
* Select Copy File to Device, Browse and open (double click) relevant File
* Open FileAid on iPhone and everything should be there

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Uploading a video to iP

The video may be one captured from Youtube (see later entry), a PPT slideshow created using PPT to iPhone (see earlier entry), or what/however....
* open iTunes
* click on Movies (existing movies library opens alongside)
* (if you want to replace an existing video with same name delete the old one at this point by right clicking on icon and clicking delete)
* click on Add File to Library in left navigation bar
* browse to find your video and open it.. it will shortly appear in the library
* if you want to enter it in a Playlist click on Recently Added
* right click on the video you added and select Add to Playlist (and select the list you want)
* assuming iP is connected to pc click on its name (in middle of left navigation bar)
* in the iP window that now appears click on Videos in top navigation bar
* scroll down until list of uploaded movies appears; scroll inside the movie list if necessary
* the one you just added to your library should be unchecked; check it
* click on Apply (bottom right corner) and you will shortly see Sync in Progress on iP shortly.

PowerPoint to iP

After using the trial version satisfactorily I purchased Wondershare PPT to iPhone for $29.99.
After opening the application you simply
* click 'Import' and browse to find your PPT - by the way make sure it fits the iP screen when you are producing it and give it the name you want to appear on your iPod (no possibility of changing later);
* change the Settings as you wish - I go for High quality and slow the slide transition Timings down to 12 from the default 6;
* click Start;
* time taken is a function of the size of the file
* the file will be saved to a folder named PPT to iPhone and inside this by date
* you now treat this as a video to upload to your iPod (either iPod or the iPod on iPhone). See later entry on this process.


This is essentially a way for a few of us to keep track of what we are doing to explore and facilitate, where appropriate, i-based health care, where i refers mainly to the iphone and ipod but will often extend to other smart phones and PDAs - though we probably won't be doing much about them for practical reasons. The items will be in no particular order and early ones will just record the ways to do things, some of which took longer than expected.
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